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c a n a d a

Loosing your heart is like living in two bodies.
Whenever you're at one place,
you know that a part of you is missing.

... and sometimes, there is no cure at all.

e s p a ñ a

Der Charakter, der laut Post-Benachrichtigung als nächstes dran ist wechselt - sofern nicht schon dort - zum See mit dem Playpartner und veranstaltet dort eine illustre Planschrunde. (Johanna, 31.05.2016)

Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:52 » Februar 2016
... nein, ich betrüge dich mit der Dusche! :p
Bin eh gleich wieder da. Aber muss runter fürn Fußball :|
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:45 » Februar 2016
Hm, Kim, was machst du denn dann mit deinen? Einfrieren? Oder in den Topf?

Hey Kat smilie

So. Super. Ich bin fertig mit Forenspielen und Fußball geht weiter... ;D
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:43 » Die Person unter mir #4
Oh ja smilie

DPUM diskutiert gerne?
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:34 » Zustandsbericht
Wetter | Nacht. Immer noch eiskalt.
Laune | kaputt
Nahrung | Satt. Abendbrot und Bohnengemüse
Gesundheit | Alles bestens.
Outfit | Jogginghose & blauer Pulli. Partnerlook mit Jannika.
Beschäftigung | Champiosn League, gleich duschen.
Wohnung | joah, geht.
Urlaub | schön wärs.
Paarungsverhältnis | Thank, I'll pass.
TV | Fußball :3
Frage des Tages | Bist du dir sicher, dass man hier wirklich nichts schönes mehr findet?"
Spruch des Tages | "Naja, du bist ja auch sprachbegabt." "Ja, Französisch zwischen 3 und 4 smilie"
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:28 » Was hörst du gerade? #3
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:27 » Tierwörterkette #2
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:27 » Lieblingspferd des Users über mir. #2
Ohne einen Beitrag gelesen zu haben (sorry .___.), vermutlich Lilian <3
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:26 » Wortaustausch
Mareike tanzt Samba immer ekstasisch, sie sing bei bekleideten Giraffen.
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:25 » Charakterkette #2
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:24 » Pferderassen von a-z
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:21 » Hast du schon einmal? #2

Hast du schonmal eine Freundin so gekränkt, dass sie nicht mehr mit dir geredet hat?
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:20 » Was hast du zuletzt?
Bohnengemüse mit Mais und Zwiebeln smilie

Was hast du zuletzt sehnlichst erwartet?
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:18 » Zwischenablage #2
Table of Concepts
Asian Bradford
Immigrant's struggles
Bradford's problems
East is East
Assimilation, multiculturalism, integration, adaption, cohesion
My Son the Fanatic
Problems & Conflicts
Asian Bradford
Population: ~ 480,000; 30% of Bradford: Non-British
Highest rate of Pakistani immigrants in G.B.
Second highest rate of Muslims
Ex-industrial city in West Yorkshire
flourishing textile industry in the past
collapsed in the 1900s  (competition with Asian countries)
1960s & 70s: local workforces replaced by workers from the Indian subcontinent → willing to work for cheaper conditions
Migration helped industrial economy
BUT: immigrants living in closed communities
2nd generation: often less westernised than their parents
Immigrant's struggles
1st generation
“clash of cultures”
Language problems
How to find a job?
Disapproving community
Desire to separate from local community
Bradford's problems
Divided city
Asians set up their own businesses
Little contact with Non-Asians
Social pressure on women
Difficulties to fit into society
Women & Girls Center
Chance to mix freely with people from all cultures
Aid in balancing out Asian traditions & customs with British law
Difficult to combine two lifestyles (e.g. clothes) (*still women?)
Immigrants pursue stricter customs than in home countrys
Museums → teach the youth about life of first immigrants
East is East
George Khan
Rather violent father
Pakistani immigrant
Strict muslim
Fish & Chips shopowner
Seeks respect
East is East
Nazir Khan
Runs away from his own (arranged) marriage
Lives with his boyfriend
East is East
Abdul Khan
Not as religious as Maneer
Still sticks to a lot of rules
Desperately seeks harmony
East is East
Meenah Khan
Only daughter
Behaves rather boyish
Plays soccer in the streets
Does not feel Pakistanni or Muslim at all
East is East
Sajid Khan
Youngest son
Playful around his siblings
Afraid of George
Integration (+ cohesion)
Adaption (+ multiculturalism/ assimilation)
Early 1970's in Salford, England
George tries to keep up the traditions and religious rules
children rebel against George wishes (more or less)
George arranges marriages for his sons
No success (Nazir runs off)
Ella tries to find a balance between the wishes of her husband and her children
Daily life is full of violence and disagreements

Main themes & conflicts
Violence → mostly physical, but also verbal
Househould of mixed races → clash of cultures
1st generation immigrant ↔ Native ↔ 2nd generation immigrants
Generation gap
Identity struggles
Religious differences
Example: catholic procession
George does not join
are participating
seem to like it
belong to the community

Among the children
Educational means
Rather playful
By George
Against his children
Later even against Ella
everything about...
Multiculturalism & Adaption
everything about...
Integration & Cohesion
everything about...
My Son the Fanatic
Author: Hanif Kureishi
Published: 28.3.1994
Genre: short story
Main conflicts: religion, father-son-realationship
Motifs: Drugs, “integration”, the taxi, violence
Parvez, middle-aged, hard-working taxi driver, drinker
Ali, accountant trainee, religious fanatist, Parvez' son
Bettina, prostitute, regular customer of Parvez
Parvez: worried about changes in his sons behaviour
Addicted to drugs?
Discovers that Ali uses his time for praying
Restaurant: confrontation between father and son
Parvez adresses Ali about his unusual behaviour & religion
Ali accuses Parvez of being a bad Moslem
Dispute over alcohol and Parvez' friend Bettina
Parvez staggers, falls → Ali refuses to help him up
Bettina attempts to talk to Ali → insults her
Drunk, Parvez beats Ali up in his room
“So who is the fanatic now?”
Unquestioningly follows & supports an idea
Obsessive belief
Irrational and excessive devotion/dedication
Little tolerance for contrary/opposing ideas
Problems & conflicts
Parvez: hard-working taxi driver for 20 years
Still not fully integrated into society
Father-son conflict
Generation conflict (1st vs 2nd generation)
Different concepts of life
Mistrust, lack of understanding
Religion & Culture
Punjabi traditions & customs vs. “integration” into British society
Conflict between East and West (immigrants and host country)
Alcohol, drugs

Englishreferat smilie
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:15 » Gucken oder nicht gucken #2
Geht um Jan - ähh, Rechtsextreme in einem (fiktiven) Dorf im Osten smilie Und ein Mädel, was halt in der Szene is, dann aber auf nen Flüchtling trifft & darauf baut der Konflikt auf. Ein sehr nüchterner, mitreissender Film, sehr realistisch denke ich auch. Ein wenig wie die Welle, von der Art her smilie

Öhh, nee.

Castle? <3
Fallen » 17.02.2016, 21:13 » Essen oder nicht essen? #3
Essen! smilie

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