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Alle Posts von Fallen

c a n a d a

Loosing your heart is like living in two bodies.
Whenever you're at one place,
you know that a part of you is missing.

... and sometimes, there is no cure at all.

e s p a ñ a

Der Charakter, der laut Post-Benachrichtigung als nächstes dran ist wechselt - sofern nicht schon dort - zum See mit dem Playpartner und veranstaltet dort eine illustre Planschrunde. (Johanna, 31.05.2016)

Fallen » 30.07.2014, 11:02 » Tauziehen #3
Fallen » 30.07.2014, 11:02 » 1000 Dinge, die wir mögen. #2
274. beste Freundinnen
Fallen » 30.07.2014, 11:01 » 1000 Dinge die wir hassen
995. Geschrei
Fallen » 30.07.2014, 11:00 » Lieblingspferd des Users über mir.
Louchen smilie
Fallen » 30.07.2014, 10:50 » Juli 2014
Janaaaaa! smilie
Katjaaaaa! smilie
Lisaaaaa! smilie

Fallen » 30.07.2014, 10:48 » Fotos von euch #1
Fault in Our Stars bzw. Schicksal ist ein mieser Verräter^^
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 23:05 » Juli 2014
"Ich poste jetzt... OMG jemand hat mir bei WA geantwortet!"
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 22:27 » Juli 2014
Nacht, Lisa smilie

Awww mein Posting-Wille lässt seeehr zu wünschen übrig... Ich will erst Aida abfertigen aber der ist so dumm zum Antworten :/
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 22:14 » Juli 2014
Angebellt hat sie trotzdem alles und jeden.

Wir waren im Hundepark und ich hab sie halt frei laufen lassen, damit sie halt Sozialkontakte knüpft und so. Sie ist dann auch so nen bisschen herumgestreunert, hat mich total gefreut weil sie eigentlich sehr scheu war im Park.
Kam auch so nen größerer Hund daher, sie hat sich auch für ne Weile so Schnuppern gefallen lassen, aber dann fängt die an zu Bellen weil der wie wild am Rumrennen war oO Ich dachte mir nur: "Daisy, you're gonna get yourself killed!" aber der andere Hund hat sich dann angesichts der großen Gefahr lieber verkrümelt :O
Ein Haps und die wäre weg gewesen...

Danke smilie
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 22:09 » Juli 2014
Jetzt wären meine Bilder auch vom Rechner hochgeladen^^ Dann frag ich einfach mal aus Neugierde ob die vom Motiv und der Quali interessant wären.

Fallen » 29.07.2014, 22:05 » Juli 2014
Das Bild wär natürlich genial *.*

Aber Daisy is ja auch voll der Kampfhund... Sieht man ja direkt^^
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 21:50 » Juli 2014
Ich kann dir anbieten nen Bild von Daisy hochzuladen^^ Weil voll gleiche Statur und so. Aber selber Blick.
Ich hab da aber nen anderen Hund, der könnte dir eventuell gefallen?
Ich muss den mal grad suchen.
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 21:47 » Juli 2014
Ui, das ist aber nicht gut :/ Ich müsste mein Zimmer auch mal neu dekorieren... Hmpf.
Ich bin in den Ferien immer voll unproduktiv. In der Schulzeit schaff ich viel mehr smilie

Ich geh mal posten. Celos darf mal wieder Leorahchen *.*
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 21:41 » [S] You speak English, right?
Okay, I'll just answer to all of you... at once, I think and I hope that I'll adress all of your concerns!

First: your English is not bad. If people are able to understand you, you got what it takes, right? And you can only become better and we are all here to help you! *grouphug*
Another thing, you could very easily paste your words into Word and then put on English auto-correction. It really helps a lot! That's what I do when I'm writing my story, too.

I don't think it would be a problem if you can't post that often. Since there are six of us now, and we all wanna start off as a group, I think we should agree on a posting order. That way, everybody only has to post once a week or less. We haven't had any plot ideas yet so I guess it also depends on if we wanna stay together in a group or go into groups of three or two after a while.
I wasn't looking for a twice-a-day-thing either, my English is also limited smilie

I personally wanted to create a new character and limit it to English-only. I think it would be very confusing if I start playing in two languages... but that's only me. I would leave it up to you if you wanna play in German with other, go ahead!

Okay, and now to Lisas's questions (see, I left them to the end because I needed to think them over^^)

If you (as the court of highest appeal smilie) don't have anything if the English ones are invading other places, it would be okay with me too. I don't know, maybe we should have a community vote on that? It could be that others wouldn't want us spamming the other places. But especially since the cliffs seems like a unusual place to be hanging out, I never wanted to limit to that place.

Okay, first I wanted to keep this English-only, but I never thought about what would happen if we meet other characters. You're right, we shouldn't limit the herd to not play with German characters.
I would say, you can either write in German, or write in English but have German dialogue kind of thing? And the other character could completely write in German.text was in English. (I'm writing a story in English and three of my friends are reading it and they seem to understand what's happening. At least so they say...)
I noticed that most of my German friends are able to read English just fine, so I think there wouldn't be any problems even if the
I also have another idea that would apply to this, but it's a plot idea too so I will adress that later.

Uhm... I just realized there was nothing left to say.

So then it's brainstorming for plot ideas!

- Time Travellers

I actually had this idea before, independently, but I realized it would work really well with out group!
Basically, they are... time travellers. (*clap clap* I know just a wonderful description!) Got into some kind of time machiene and now here they are, totally oblivious that they're in a different time now. Haven't worked out any details yet, so we could decide if they know each other, are from the same time&place etc. But it would also explain why we're writing in English, if they're from Britain/Canada/Australia etc of course they would't be very likely to communicate in German. Maybe some can't speak German and therefore aren't able to do German plays anyways? It would be funny tough, if they have to communicate., well... with head & hoofes.

- Ship Wrecked

They were travelling on a ship (COsta Concordia it's name, haha^^), short story: ship sunk, people were rescued but have you ever heard that a bunch of horses were saved by a helicopter? Me neither. So they make it to shore, all of them are exhausted and the collapse on the beach. Maybe they have been spoiled all their life, never say anything like woods? That would also cause some problems, like: "I actually have to go... and find something to eat?"
They could also be of English-speaking descent again, same story as above.

In both versions, we are more or less attached by the hip but also could separate, I guess?

Okay, that's it from me I guess? I hope I answered all questions and if you have any plot ideas, I'd be happy to hear them too!
I'm really glad so many people are interested in this smilie


Of course, if you don't want a new character, I guess we could use one or two guide, that they meet after a while of wandering around? You would just need to come up with an explanation, since I don't think 'English' would be commonly spread around wild horses.
Fallen » 29.07.2014, 21:41 » Juli 2014
Soll ich dir wider helfen Kim? smilie

Lisa, was ist los? smilie
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